Finora Canada Ltd. v. Clipper Spirit Shipping Ltd., 2001 BCSC 862

In Admiralty Practice, Discovery on (Updated )

This was an application by the Defendant carrier to dismiss the claims of three Plaintiffs for failure to produce documents which had previously been ordered to be produced. Two of the Plaintiffs had produced the required documents but did so after the deadline imposed by the order requiring production. The other Plaintiff had failed to produce the invoices but advised …

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Pioneer Grain Company Ltd. v. Far Eastern Shipping Co. et al., 1999 CanLII 9198

In Admiralty Practice, Discovery on (Updated )

This was an application to dismiss the Plaintiff’s action on the grounds that the Plaintiff failed to comply with four successive orders of the court requiring production of specified documents. The court granted the order holding that the actions of the Plaintiff in ignoring the court orders amounted to an abuse of process.

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