Brooks Aviation Inc. v. Boeing SB-17G, 2004 FC 710

In Salvage and Wrecks on (Updated )

This was an application by the Plaintiff for summary judgment in respect of a claim for salvage. The res was a B-17 aircraft that had crash landed on a lake in Labrador during the winter of 1947. The following year the aircraft sank during the spring thaw. The wreck was discovered by the Plaintiff in July 1998. The Plaintiff sought …

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Gulf Log Salvage Co-Operative Assoc. v. Early Recovered Resources, 2003 FCA 35

In Appeals, Constitutional Issues in Maritime Law on (Updated )

This case concerned the constitutional validity of the Log Salvage Regulations of British Columbia. An application for summary judgment was brought by the Province of British Columbia for a declaration that the Regulations were valid. The motions Judge dismissed that application leaving no doubt that he considered the Regulations ultra vires (2002 FCT 184). The Province of British Columbia appealed …

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